St. Luke UMC is unique place where people from all walks of life have decided to come together as a community of faith. The congregation has been serving Stuart Heights and the greater community since 1951.
In light of the recent General Conference decisions, St. Luke remains committed to being an open, affirming, and celebrating community of faith. We continue to welcome all people into the full life of the church. We believe all people are “beloved” by God, celebrating the sacredness of our shared humanity while respecting our diversity of ethnicity, creed, status, identity, affiliation, ability, or orientation as we walk along in faith, life, and community together. For us, all means all. The people who make up our faith community have one thing that binds us together and fuels us out in the world: love…love of God and love of others. We are a growing congregation who believes God calls each of us to LIVE fully, LOVE unconditionally, and BE Christ in the world. LIVE. LOVE. BE
So, if you’re looking for a place to heal, to belong (even if you don’t believe), to grow, to doubt, to dream, to serve, to build, and to encounter a loving God, you’ve finally found it. No strings attached.